HVAC systems come with standard air filters that may not be enough for your indoor air quality needs. Fortunately, they’re upgradeable, with several options to choose from. In today’s post, M & M Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co. looks at one option: electrostatic air filters.

How Do Electrostatic Air Filters Work?
Standard HVAC air filters utilize pleated sheets of fiber that catch common household particles like dust and dirt. You may already have heard of HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, which utilize a finer type of material that lets it capture smaller particles like microbes. Both types of filters catch particles passively, much like a sieve, in a single step.
Electrostatic air filters use a multi-step filtration process that begins with an outer pre-filter, much like a standard air filter that captures relatively bigger particles like pollen and dust. Smaller particles that pass through the pre-filter pass through an ionizing layer, where they receive a positive charge, followed by a stage filled with negatively-charged material called “collectors,” which capture the positively-charged particles. Any remaining particles that escape this stage are captured by a second high-efficiency air filter.
Should You Upgrade to Electrostatic Air Filters?
The main benefit of electrostatic air filters is they filter particles that normally pass through standard air filters, such as viruses. They may have a higher upfront cost, but they are more cost-effective in the long run because they are washable. Electrostatic air filters also come in standard sizes, which means they’re compatible with most HVAC system models and won’t require special brackets or adapters to make them fit.
Before you choose to upgrade, you need to consider that, because of their high efficiency, electrostatic air filters get filled quickly and therefore will need to be washed more frequently. This means you need to regularly inspect your HVAC system until you figure out how often you need to clean them, which can be as often as every month during seasons of heavy heating or cooling.
Call M & M for Your Heating and Cooling Needs
M & M Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co. provides heating and air conditioning services to customers in Stockton and the surrounding communities. Call (209) 952-6580, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.